Data Analytics and
Business Intelligence
Our Business Intelligence and Data Analytics services enable clients to drive business growth by providing meaningful and actionable insights. With these services, you will be able to make informed and smart decisions for your business. Our data analytics services cover all aspects of:
  • Data Analytics Readiness assessment
  • Data Analytics Visioning, road-mapping, and Implementation assistance
  • Data Analytics Strategic Planning and Prioritization
  • Technology selection assistance
  • Establishing Data warehouse architecture
  • Data Migration and cleansing
  • Master Data Management
  • Establishing data models
  • Model Validation
  • Dashboarding
We also offer analytical services across the entire range of business functions.
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Risk Management
  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Business Technology
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Customer Engagement
  • Human Resources Management
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Data Visualization

  • We help create role-based dashboards for management that organizes data from multiple databases to provide a unified Business Intelligence and relevant metrics to enable decision making
  • Our visualization presents data in a way that presents complex business metrics in an easy-to-comprehend manner, enabling organizations to make clear, informed, and smart decisions
  • We use several off-the-shelf software such as Tableau, D3.js, Google charts, Birt, as well as any other software that your organization currently uses.
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Tactical Analytics

  • We help develop a customized tactical model for each functional activity – such as Finance, Logistics, Sales and Marketing, and Technology
  • These models are monitored and reviewed periodically to ensure that they are aligned to business goals
  • Tactical analytics models that we deploy are typically short-term in nature and are focused on answering immediate questions rather than aligning to a longer-term goal
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Behavioral Analytics

  • Our applications in Behavioral Analytics go beyond helping know transactional information, such as the purchase of a product, and involve capturing customer events and actions over time to establish the underlying causation. It is about using these stored interactions to determine typical behavior and also possible deviations from that behavior
  • Knowing the ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of customer behavior (in addition to the obvious ‘What’) helps in ensuring that decisionmakers work to address the cause rather than the symptom
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Predictive Analytics

  • Predictive analytics makes use of several types of models, including regression-based models that collate data generated from several data points to build models that enable the prediction of future events
  • Our capabilities include the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications that can help to intelligently cluster, classify, regress, to derive superior predictability
  • Our analytics capabilities assist in both preventive (risk and failure management) as well as opportunistic (upsell/cross-sell) decision making
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Strategic Analytics

  • In the present times, organizations face cut-throat competition and consider information as a significant asset to leverage. The Macro-Economic Environment, Long-Term Trend Analysis, Competitive Landscape are driving factors of the process
  • Alignment of strategic intent with actual work requires strategic analytics to answer key decision support questions such as go/no-go decisions, new markets or customers exploration, or pricing decisions. We help clients make these decisions through our analytics offerings.
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Datawise has customers spread over 25 countries across Domains and Industry segments. We harness Insights and Intelligence to bring about Infinite Transformation. Proven Frameworks and Proprietary Tools improve Operations, Delivery Models, and Customer Experience.
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Datawise has customers spread over 25 countries across Domains and Industry segments. We harness Insights and Intelligence to bring about Infinite Transformation. Proven Frameworks and Proprietary Tools improve Operations, Delivery Models, and Customer Experience.

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